Kish Mahoney Holocaust Literature

LIT 260-810w History and Literature of the Holocaust

Kish Mahoney

I originally registered for this literature class on the Holocaust simply because I needed the literature credit for my curriculum, but once I started the first assignment I was hooked.  This class not only touches base on the atrocities of the holocaust but also of the triumphs of the survivors.  This class is not for the weak of heart as it was an eye opening experience detailing one of the darkest times in history.  I can honestly say that I knew  little to nothing about the holocaust prior to taking this class, and now I find myself discussing it with family and friends and suggesting they read The World Must Know.  This site is dedicated to my interpretation and new understanding of the suffering that occurred during the holocaust to  the Jewish, Polish, Gypsies, Jehovah Witnesses, and more.  The following portfolio pages speak with graphic details of the loss of life, the cruelty of mankind, but also of some the good people that survived and helped others to survive the holocaust.  I hope you enjoy the reading on the following pages and come away with a feeling that you learned something.  I also hope that you come away with the feeling that we can all do a little more to help out our neighbors in need.